Thursday, January 15, 2009

Napkins to Bibs....

I was perfectly happy tucking a napkin
under my chin when I ate.
Ok, so it wasnt the best way to stay clean
but then they frown on using a bath towels
draped on your chest while you eat...
at least at the better restaurants.
It wasn't the usual request,...
we kept it lowkey at first......
but here at the store
we got lots of requests for bibs for adults.....
never loud requests.....
the kind of request
where you walk quietly up to the counter
and sort of whisper it to the sales clerk.
Well, here at The Vermont Apron Company,
they like a challenge. ....


Ta Daaa!!!!

Bibs for Adults!!!

Ginger is Dancing

in our window


wearing her

new Lace Homespun Bib.

Frank is also
in the window.
He is wearing
the Men's Bib.

In case you don't notice,
Frank is wearing Eloise's hair.

Frank's actually bald.
We don't know what Frank is up too.

Eloise found
a hat to wear
in the meantime.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Check me out!

Go ahead......

take a good look at me.....

see anything different?

I'll give you a hint..... it's winter time.

Keep looking...Notice it???

Look again...

Did you notice?..

I got an undershirt!!!!

.........It's the same color as my teeth.

More of Christmas

Well, I spoke too soon. I did get a couple of holiday photos.
Ginger was still in her Holiday Dress.
She spent the Holidays dancing around the fake Christmas Tree
in the window with Frank. No, Frank didn't dance.
He just stood there being Frank.
Ginger likes to twirl and dance, so she did that.
They each had Aprons on and that's what counts.

Ginger had a tiny white apron on.

No idea what that keeps clean
but then who would cook in that dress?


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Well, you are probably expecting Christmas Photos. Here’s where being a new Store gets fun. NO one thought to take pictures! Arent new stores fun? Its like watching a teenager learn to drive. Oh sure, you think they resemble an adult, but the little things that fall by the wayside show you, they”re still learning.
It reminds me of the time, here at The Vermont Apron Company, they brought in a bunch of new stuff, and then realized we didn’t have hangers for it all. All our new stuff sat in the back waiting for the coat hanger delivery. That was fun too.
So not being one for great descriptive writing, I’ll mention that for Christmas,we had a nice tree in the window. Frank held a ball of tangled Christmas tree lights and Ginger was trying to untangle them.It was funny. Wish I had a photo.
Oh well,

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