Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fall Foliage Part 5 at Autumn on the Green

We finished our Fall Foliage tour right here in Danville,Vermont, (largely due to the fact that The Vermont Apron Company owners wanted more cupcakes and this is where they have them). But also, Danville is home to a terrific annual craft show, Autumn On The Green. It is a show in which we participate annually as this is a special place for us.

 It was on this town green that The Vermont Apron Company participated in its first craft show. It is also the place where our Men's Aprons were conceived. The idea came from a man who walked into our booth and said, "Women aren't the only ones who cook, ya know." It has been reported that this sarcastic quip sent our designer back to the cutting table. So they added mens aprons and ......That's when they hired me to help sell them!!

So that's why Danville's Town Green is a special place to me!

Well, that concludes our First Annual Fall Foliage Tour.
I had a blast. I've heard that next year,
there will be a plan and a more organization to the trip.

Truth be told, I doubt it. Let's say I've gotten to know these people.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fall Foliage Tour Part 4

 Here's me, Wesley, proudly posing in front of one
of the many Vermont covered bridges still in use today.

After all, how could we not show a covered bridge in Vermont? Aren't we the only state left with covered bridges? Wasn't there even a movie called, Bridges of Caledonian County?
Maybe I have that wrong.

We decided to take a look at what's under the bridge. No one ever talks about the underneath of bridges. We were surprised at what we found down there. No quiet little stream here, it was white water rapids. Who knew such drama lay beneath the bridge? It's my job to smile, but honestly, I was a bit nervous. I nearly broke into a concerned frown. Thank goodness I'm a professional.

Here I am standing on the cliff's edge to give you a better view of the danger that lurks beneath the bridge. Even the wind was wild, it was trying to blow my hat off.  Notice my apron. They put the drinks one on me so we would have a water theme going. How 'bout a Perilous Photography theme???

Here's a good shot of the water. It was powerful looking!
(Remind me to wait in the car next year)

Ok, so my hat blew off but here I stand still pretending this is really enjoyable. Couldn't we have just gone to the cheese place?

We found this nice bench not far from the cliff's edge. You can sit and rest on it. I choose to stand on it so I could get an even better view of the dangerous, perilous rapids and rocks below.
 Just ignore that mans arm in the photo.

I was really happy to be back in the car.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall Foliage Tour Part 3

 Not only does Vermont have a lot of trees and farms, it has villages. And in the heart of every village, (well not every village, some villages are so small, hardly anyone lives there) So I'll say in the heart of most villages, they have a general store. General stores are where you go to get what you need and say Hi to your neighbors. They are like micro-mini Department/Food stores with a great, big warm heart. You can buy gourmet coffee, a fresh baked muffin made by a neighbor, a hat, a new broom and tin foil. You can discuss the weather, get directions, decide what other kinds of muffiins the neighbor should bake and get advice about snow or gardening.

We stopped at this General Store. They were surprised to say Hi to a traveling mannequin. The owners of The Vermont Apron Company got more gourmet coffee and a bottle of plum juice. They never had plum juice before and were happy to have some. Me? I just stood out front and watched the traffic go by. I didn't want plum juice and frankly it was a lot of fun to smile at the people driving by. Vermonters wave a lot!
I wasn't sure if it was me or the hot pizza sign that excited them.

The theme here is roads of Vermont (I guess... I'm inventing here). I'm standing on the edge of one. There are lots of them so I'm wearing my Big Wheel Apron and Tool Hat. Why the tool hat? Because on the road, at some point  you need tools. We don't talk about it much but cars break down. Its just one of those sad, sad topics we try to keep under our lids.

Here's a closer look at me with my Tool Apron. Yeah, my grey slacks match. Good styling, I thought.They left me standing here for quite awhile. I think there was a map issue. It was ok, though. I got to hear big trucks blow their horns as they drove past. I think they liked the Tool Hat.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Foliage Tour Part 2

Vermont is filled with big trees, fields, fences and lots of leaves. Here I am standing under a tree just being a man...... in my Being a Man Apron. I'm being brave,too. There's an electric fence right behind me. I could topple right onto it. I don't even have my leg brace on. But in the face of this danger, I keep on smiling with my arms folded and hope they move me soon. That's what I do. It's my job.

We drove onward and the owners suddenly stopped the car, announcing they had found a "canopy of yellow". All I know is suddenly I'm left standing in traffic. And I'm wondering why they didn't dress me in the yellow apron to match the "canopy of yellow". At least we're in Vermont. Vermont has it's own category of you can see in the photo.

Here's a test of my acting skills. I have been stood here in this field with cows not far off. I'm told that the little electric wire hung on posts will hold them off. I've become a skeptic. I'm to mention that the hills behind me are covered in color and you can even see an official Vermont Farm in the background! (You have to look close, it's about a few inches off my right ear and above my shoulder.)

Here's a wider view. I had hoped this photo would show how close I am to being trampled in a stampede but I guess not. You'll have to trust me on that one.

~ Wes

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fall Foliage Tour Part 1

Today was the big Day! I went in the car with the owners of  The Vermont Apron Company! (they listen to weird music, use a GPS, eat cupcakes and onion rings for lunch and alternatively drink plum juice, diet soda and organic decaf coffee.) ....hmmm...I have nothing but good things to say about them!

I also immediately discovered they were people with tools but no real plan. They had a GPS, a camera, me and a variety of aprons. Other than that, it was music, cupcakes, assorted drinks and a lot of "chillin" as they called it. There was a lot of spontaneous verbal spurts such as " Hey! That looks good!" .This would be followed by us pulling over and hopping out for pictures.This would also be followed by a change of clothes for me and once I was even left standing naked chest on the side of the road. I met a lot of people, most of them laughing hilariously, I guess Vermonters laugh hilariously a lot. At least that's what I saw.

Oh, and there was that woman who shreaked when I was pulled feet first out of the back of the car while we were parked next to the lake. No idea what she was thinking.We were busy working and had a great day doing it!

Me showing off the lake.  I smiled really big so everyone would know how much I love lakes!
Notice I am wearing a navy and white outfit to match the colors of the water.
I can't name the lake. It's location will be a contest later in the week....SSHHHH...

Here's a better view and you can just barely see leaves turning in the background.
Look over my shoulders to see them.

They were packing the car and left me standing here.
It's a funny little building. They thought it was an outhouse.

Maybe it is an outhouse, interesting that it faces the forest.

Next photo group tomorrow!


Friday, October 1, 2010

It's Official!

 They made it official. Monday will be my foliage tour day. I"m geared up and thinking about what to wear. I hear it's going to be in the 50's. I better find a sweatshirt to wear....and probably a hat would be a good idea. I haven't heard where we're going and knowing them, we're probably going to put on sweatshirts, get into the car and head off looking for scenery and leaves. I"ve been in this store for a long time.I can't wait to head outside.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Todays news...

 The gossip around the shop is that the studio just expanded the mens prints. I hope there's something with hammers. It would just make good sense.


Saturday, September 18, 2010


I swear it was 90 degrees a week ago and now its in the 40's in the morning. What gives? What happened to Fall?  It's not summer,winter. There's suppose to be Fal. I'm not giving up my Tour. They can take out the air conditioner, and even put on the heat in the morning but I am going on a Fall foliage tour. It's me and leaves and some awesome locations.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fall Foliage

Well Friends,
My trip is confirmed! I will be taking a tour of Vermont's Fall Foliage. The other big cheese of the Company is even coming to town to to help me. If anyone has a favorite place to me to tour and photograph, let me know!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fall is coming.

 It is. The 23rd of this month is Fall and I was told, yes, practically promised, that I would be doing a Fall Foliage tour of the area to add to our marketing and advertising.

I better remind someone.

Frank may be in the window all the time.
But I get to go in the car!


I may just need a jacket....and probably a map.


Friday, September 10, 2010


Ok, so there was a bat sleeping on the doorstep when the staff came in...or tried to.. yesterday. I would have helped but I'm busy standing here looking awesome so guys will buy an Apron. I'm in sales afterall not maintainence, that's what the building manager is for and he stepped it up and was quite a hero. I heard he even did the kind-to-animals thing and released it out back. Nice guy.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's Fall.

Yep, it's Fall and if you have been around here the last few years, you'll know what this means. Its means leaves all over the floor. Fall is when they decide to cover the front steps with pots of colored flowers.
What you don't know is that at night, all the flowers get set inside and then they drop leaves all over the floor and leak water. The floor ends up a mess.

And you may notice the girls in the window are suppose to be cleaning. Let me tell you, they aren't moving, I can still write my name in the dust. I guess it will match the dead leaves on the floor.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Wedding Aprons

Wedding Aprons, what can I's a woman's thing really, isn't it?


Wedding aprons, there they are. I'll have more to say when the grilling aprons are back.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


 The quality of this picture is terrible but I still wanted to show it to you. It's a hot air balloon that was sailing across the sky during a photoshoot. Can you see it? Cool, huh?

Vermont is a nice place for sailing in the wind.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Women and their hair.

Here at The Vermont Apron Company Retail store, it's important that we look good for you. We go to great lengths to dust ourselves, wear tee-shirts that match the Aprons and we even do our hair.Well, I dont. My hair is fixed and painted red. Frank is bald so he can play with wigs at times. And the women, well, they just run rampart when hit comes to hair. They switch wigs, wear hats and headbands,too. Here's a good example of how just adding a wig makes you look years younger and frankly a lot more fun!

Before.....with only molded hair...prissy and uninteresting.

After... with a gorgeous playful and flirty....ok, she could use a good hair brush.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I'm stunned.

 I hit the big time. My perfect presentation has paid off. Look around here. They gave me my own least that's what it feels like right now. My own sign, my new walls...that's how I feel. I have my own show!

I swear my smile is even bigger now.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Losing a Grip

You know, I've been standing here for a couple years now. Oh sure, once in a while I head over to the counter or pose in the window,...(when Frank moves)...anyways, It's all kind of the same, not to much happens. Men's Department stays Mens, and so forth. But suddenly someone has a bee in their bonnet. Just take a look at me in this photo.... See anything different? (besides my incredible smile and relaxed demeanor.)

Of course you do! What is that over my head? This is the Men's Department, so who was at the meeting that decided aprons that aren't Men's would be above my head? I never got the memo, folks! Would have been there!
And as if that isn't enough, someone hung a Patchwork Bib Apron on our rack! Oh sure, they moved it later when they were done with the display but really, I thought we had bounderies. I mean, what is going to happen next? There better not be a ruffle near me.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Gardens and Cooking and Betty

As you all know I am the key personality at our retail store. I haven't met her so I can't say much about her, but we now have a women reporting from the studio part of our company. Her name is Betty. Let's give Betty a welcoming applause!...(thunderous applause)... She'll report on aprons in the making and also the going-ons at that location....I hear they also garden and cook there. Here's the link to her blog.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Grooms' Apron

Is it me or is Frank looking particularly dapper lately?

There is a rumor going around that we'll be selling formal wear aprons soon....I'm guessing Frank's wearing the first of a collection. I guess with the moustache and being older, they give that opportunity to him instead of me. hmmmm......


Thursday, April 8, 2010


You can always tell when the windows are getting a facelift. Suddenly, without warning, you look around the store and see body parts and dresses in strange places... not that there are unstrange places to leave body parts...


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


They're getting ready to dress the girls for Spring.
Frank is feeling left out.
To make him feel special, they gave him a wig. Geezz....


Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I have no clue what they're doing. But I've been around long enough to know how they work. Something's changing, I saw a sign this Yup, one of the Girls now has shoes on. Since we opened this store, I was the only one with shoes on. No idea why, never asked. I just accepted it as a given. But suddenly, for no apparent reason, there is a toe sticking out with shoes.

And if you asked me it looks stupid. It doesnt match the dress. Shouldn't we be concentrating on Gardening Aprons? Never mind, I'll just stand over here and keep quiet and smile.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bib Aprons, a Tradition

I was told recently that the real tradition is the Bib Apron. They had some in the store once in awhile. They sold really well so this year they have a collection. Take a look! I guess because they quilted the top and used differnt prints, it's a big deal.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Me at Work...

Here's me, hard at work, getting it done.

I'm wearing the long Host Apron. I gotta admit the long Apron makes me look even more dapper than before.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Girls in the store.....

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Ginger is wearing the new rayon Apron and twirling. It's what she does and if you'll notice, even her shadow twirls.


You are looking at the very last wide brim flappy hat. And it has the much loved chicken print on the sash. we no longer sell these hats, we sell headbands. You can see them in the jar.
They're going more girlie with short pink aprons.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Come Dress Your Head!

Look at this face filled with worry. She's concerned because she bought an Apron and there was no matching hat. NO MORE! We have matching hats for your head. Not only that but we have 2 styles so far with more to come!
Her head undressed causing a sad face.....:(
The sun shines with happiness while wearing the New Gathered Bonnet!

Sadly, she wishes there were even more hats to wear.

There is! This kerchief is double layered and can be knotted in many styles.

Fashion is abound here at The Vermont Apron Company!

More to report soon.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

No Idea

I have absolutely no idea what's going on. The store needs a good cleaning, nothing new has come in here in weeks. Hardly anyone even comes here. Everyone's at the studio. I have nothing to report except that the floor could use a good scrub. I'd do it but I can't bend.

Still Smiling..

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Quiet...

I know, I know.... nothing's been happening here. First, Holidays were a mad blurr of activity, I keep saying I'm gonna post and the days blurr one into another. And now, everyone here has their head in their work with new designs, new fabrics, and new marketing. Not much to report except there lots of humming and quiet activity. I know them, stuffs coming, I can tell.


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