Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bib Aprons, a Tradition

I was told recently that the real tradition is the Bib Apron. They had some in the store once in awhile. They sold really well so this year they have a collection. Take a look! I guess because they quilted the top and used differnt prints, it's a big deal.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Me at Work...

Here's me, hard at work, getting it done.

I'm wearing the long Host Apron. I gotta admit the long Apron makes me look even more dapper than before.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Girls in the store.....

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Ginger is wearing the new rayon Apron and twirling. It's what she does and if you'll notice, even her shadow twirls.


You are looking at the very last wide brim flappy hat. And it has the much loved chicken print on the sash. we no longer sell these hats, we sell headbands. You can see them in the jar.
They're going more girlie with short pink aprons.

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