Here's me, Wesley, proudly posing in front of one
of the many Vermont covered bridges still in use today.

After all, how could we not show a covered bridge in Vermont? Aren't we the only state left with covered bridges? Wasn't there even a movie called, Bridges of Caledonian County?
Maybe I have that wrong.
We decided to take a look at what's under the bridge. No one ever talks about the underneath of bridges. We were surprised at what we found down there. No quiet little stream here, it was white water rapids. Who knew such drama lay beneath the bridge? It's my job to smile, but honestly, I was a bit nervous. I nearly broke into a concerned frown. Thank goodness I'm a professional.
Here I am standing on the cliff's edge to give you a better view of the danger that lurks beneath the bridge. Even the wind was wild, it was trying to blow my hat off. Notice my apron. They put the drinks one on me so we would have a water theme going. How 'bout a Perilous Photography theme???
Here's a good shot of the water. It was powerful looking!
(Remind me to wait in the car next year)
Ok, so my hat blew off but here I stand still pretending this is really enjoyable. Couldn't we have just gone to the cheese place?
We found this nice bench not far from the cliff's edge. You can sit and rest on it. I choose to stand on it so I could get an even better view of the dangerous, perilous rapids and rocks below.
Just ignore that mans arm in the photo.
I was really happy to be back in the car.