Sunday, December 14, 2008


Thanksgiving and the Alden Grandchildren

Thanksgiving is a time when we Celebrate our National heritage by eating the bird and root vegetables and pie as our Country's Founders did. We gather and eat but has anyone thought of what they wore? By gosh the women wore APRONS! So here at The Vermont Apron Company we set out to Celebrate our Founding mother's traditions. In simple cloth and simple lines, we dressed our women as we believe women were dressed on that very first Thanksgiving day.
And then some customers gathered for a photo (ok, unlike our Founders did, but we believe they would have, had the camera been invented).

We were blessed that day with actual decendants

of our Founding Mother Priscilla Alden.

All of the non-mannequin people in these photos

are, by golly!, real live granchildren of John and Priscilla Alden!

What a lovely way to celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday.
a visit from a few of our Country's Founders grandchildren!

We hope your Thanksgiving was filled with meaning, hope and love.
Wes and The Staff of The Vermont Apron Company

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