Of course we were dressing up for Halloween.
After all, we’re The Vermont Apron Company, we’re just plain fun!.
Being the more prominent mannequin in the store.
I was given the best role.
That’s me there. You’d hardly know that’s me.
Eloise wasn’t given a costume,
they gave her a chopped off head to hold.
Made her look like a crazy woman
Ginger was dressed
as some sort of woodland witchy, spider-web woman.
She was suppose to string up the pumpkin balls
but she just keep holding them like that.
We had a Witch.
We had small ghosts flying around.

We had creepy spider web stuff.
Frank got to be The Crazy Clown
who is trying to hold back Gorilla Woman.
as the come into the store.
We had a second gorilla woman
on the other side of the entry.
She held the OPEN sign.
She was paired with Skelton Woman.
Notice they still all wore Aprons.
a nice Autumn touch, I thought.

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